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LA Connection Brings Us Good Fortune

Arielle and Brenda Feit

SLSCA is the very happy recipient of these six packages, filled with brand-new tools and supplies for our sewing circles! We are SO very grateful to our California angels - Brenda and Harold Feit, and their sweet daughter Arielle - proprietors of a sewing supply store in downtown Los Angeles. The Feit Company has been in existence for 67 years, started by Arielle's grandparents, Israel and Lucia Feit. Brenda and Harold are retiring, and have given us an exceedingly generous gift, a treasure trove of supplies we'll be putting to good use in the new tool carts we are assembling for all of our sewing circle locations. To the Feits: we can't thank you all enough!

Smyrna, Oveta, and Claudia unload the goodies


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